What If You Could Transform Your Voice In 4 Days, By Using This Very Simple Vocal Technique?



March 20-23, 2024

Everything you need to cultivate confidence, power & beauty in your authentic voice, so you can become the singer you always dreamed you could be.


You want to LOVE your singing voice… but you end up cracking or straining to hit the high notes!

There are 3 main hurdles keeping you from realizing the true potential of your singing voice...

Which one is keeping you stuck?


You spend hours practicing, but nothing changes. You know your voice needs to improve, but you are stuck using the same ineffective, boring exercises, and at the end of the day you aren’t even close to seeing the results you want.


You’re terrified that you just aren’t good enough. Is singing something you are born with, or can you actually learn to sing? This is your dream, but how do you know if you’re just wasting your time?


There are a million “expert teachers” out there on the internet... Worse, they are saying conflicting and confusing things, so you have no idea who to trust, what is just noise and what will actually get your unique voice real results. 

You’ve tried SO MANY THINGS to improve your voice and nothing has made a difference, so you end up…


Avoid practicing altogether, because without results, what’s the point?



You keep singing anyway, but end up straining, cracking and losing your voice!

And despite how much it means to you, you’re damn near ready to give up, because you’re worried that maybe you just simply aren’t good enough. 

Hey Singers, I’m Whitney!


If you’re new here, I’m a vocal coach, studio owner, singer/songwriter and creator of the Singing / Straw. I’ve worked with thousands of singers over the years, from aspiring artists all the way to highly successful stadium touring artists.

I’ll never forget how excited I was for my first tour, only to find out how easy it was to lose your voice, despite years of training! I was doing everything I knew how to do- but still, show after show took a toll on my voice.

Everything changed when I found straw phonation. Don’t get me wrong, this seemed like a joke when I first heard it. Singing through a straw helps your voice? What kind of insanity is this!? Despite my skepticism, I gave it a try, and it TRULY transformed my voice.

I had a second tour scheduled just a few months later, so this was really going to put my voice to the test. But with my Singing / Straw method, it was NIGHT & DAY. It was like I had a brand new voice, no fatigue, no strain, no cracking!

I’ve honed this method for years with my students, and I can’t wait to share it with YOU. Just give me 4 days, & I promise that with this simple yet insanely effective method, you will see a transformation in your voice.

The reality is, Singing is a SKILL that can be learned and improved - but you need to have the right tools, technique and guidance to get results.

It doesn’t matter how long you practice, or how much money you spend on lessons.

If you don't have an effective, proven method to follow that produces REAL PHYSICAL RESULTS, you’ll never become the singer you dream you could be.

Successful professional singers know that to maintain a voice they can rely on, sing and perform daily without strain, cracking or fatigue, they need more than the same old ineffective and tired warmups that have been circling around for years...

Our simple, proven method combined with daily vocal workouts will get you results in just a few days, helping you find more strength and balance, ultimately transforming your voice.

Once you have this vocal routine and Singing / Straw method down, you will be well on your way to realizing your SINGING DREAMS. The world needs YOUR voice, and I’m here to walk you through the daily practice YOU need to get started. Let’s do this!







A 4-day bootcamp to help Singers transform their voice with the Singing / Straw method and a proven daily practice plan.
March 20-23, 2024

From finding your vocal sweet spot to settling into an effective vocal workout routine...

By the end of our time together, you will feel REAL IMPROVEMENT and confidence in the beauty of your authentic voice, so you can stop feeling like you’re not good enough and get out there and pursue your singing dreams!

Here's What You're Getting Inside The Bootcamp:

4 Days of Live Training to Become a Better Singer and Transform Your Voice.

Each day I’ll be going live alongside our Members-Only Facebook group to guide you through a focused vocal workout with the Singing / Straw. I’ve taken my years of working with thousands of singers and distilled them into the 4 most important things every singer needs to know about their voice. Let me shorten the learning curve for you!

Registers Aren’t Literal. You Have One Voice.

One of the most common things I hear from singers is “I just can’t find my ‘mix voice’ - or, ‘if only I had a stronger chest/head voice.’ The confusing rhetoric that some singing teachers use can leave you running around in circles not sure which way is up.

On Day 1, we’re going to myth bust the idea that we have multiple voices, and focus on an exercise set that unites your entire range so you feel confident in your ONE FULL voice.

If You Don’t Use It, You Will Lose It.

So many struggling singers put their voice in a box, and think they can’t or don’t need to sing high notes (or for some, low notes!) because they don’t use it in their songs. This couldn’t be more counterproductive!

On Day 2, we’ll dive into a workout focused on expanding your range and I’ll teach you WHY it is so important to use it (otherwise you lose it!).

They Weren’t Just Born With It. 

The idea that some of us are just “born singers” while others are “tone deaf” is probably the most inaccurate and harmful myth out there.

On Day 3, I will prove to you why singing is a skill that can be learned, and in reality is no different than soccer (ok, but without the ball) and will take you through a vocal workout that will physically train your voice just like the vocal athlete you are!

Focused Practice Makes Progress.

I don’t have to tell you how frustrating it is to practice your singing for hours on end, only to feel like the only difference the next day is that your voice is tired.

In this training you will learn the secret to creating a perfect daily vocal routine that will give you ACTUAL results, and the best part? It won’t require hours every week, just a few minutes of the RIGHT practice every day will produce the results you want in your voice.

How The S/S Method will LEVEL UP your voice.

Here it is folks, the main event - the MAGIC of why the Singing / Straw Method is different than any other approach you’ve ever tried. 

More importantly, we’ll make a roadmap of how you can continue to use it going forward and achieve your singing dreams!


Here's What You're Getting Inside The Bootcamp:

5 Days of Live Training to Become a Better Singer and Transform Your Voice.

Each day I’ll be going live inside our Members-Only Facebook group to guide you through a focused vocal workout with the Singing / Straw. I’ve taken my years of working with thousands of singers and distilled them into the 4 most important things every singer needs to know about their voice. Let me shorten the learning curve for you!

Registers Aren’t Literal. You Have One Voice.

One of the most common things I hear from singers is “I just can’t find my ‘mix voice’ - or, ‘if only I had a stronger chest/head voice.’ The confusing rhetoric that some singing teachers use can leave you running around in circles not sure which way is up.

On Day 1, we’re going to myth bust the idea that we have multiple voices, and focus on an exercise set that unites your entire range so you feel confident in your ONE FULL voice.

If You Don’t Use It, You Will Lose It.

So many struggling singers put their voice in a box, and think they can’t or don’t need to sing high notes (or for some, low notes!) because they don’t use it in their songs. This couldn’t be more counterproductive!

On Day 2, we’ll dive into a workout focused on expanding your range and I’ll teach you WHY it is so important to use it (otherwise you lose it!).

They Weren’t Just Born With It. 

The idea that some of us are just “born singers” while others are “tone deaf” is probably the most inaccurate and harmful myth out there.

On Day 3, I will prove to you why singing is a skill that can be learned, and in reality is no different than soccer (ok, but without the ball) and will take you through a vocal workout that will physically train your voice just like the vocal athlete you are!

Focused Practice Makes Progress.

I don’t have to tell you how frustrating it is to practice your singing for hours on end, only to feel like the only difference the next day is that your voice is tired.

In this training you will learn the secret to creating a perfect daily vocal routine that will give you ACTUAL results, and the best part? It won’t require hours every week, just a few minutes of the RIGHT practice every day will produce the results you want in your voice.

How The S/S Method will LEVEL UP your voice.

 Here it is folks, the main event - the MAGIC of why the Singing / Straw Method is different than any other approach you’ve ever tried. 

More importantly we’ll make a roadmap of how you can continue to use it going forward and achieve your singing dreams!


We’re not done yet, take a look at the 4 FREE bonuses you get when joining!

24/7 Access to our Exclusive Pop-Up Training Facebook Group for Support and Accountability ($299 Value)

This will be your MAIN HUB for the bootcamp experience. You will be able to ask questions, connect with other singers, post videos of your singing progress, and get direct feedback from me on your voice!

The My Voice Today Digital Journal with a special audio foreward from me that you won’t get anywhere else! ($99 Value)

As a special bonus, you will receive our hugely popular, My Voice Today Digital Journal. This is a 30 page fillable .pdf daily journal that includes vocal affirmations, focus, routines & appreciation!

30% off one-time discount code at the S/S store JUST for you ($199 Value)

You won’t find this anywhere else on the internet, EVER! As a bonus, you will receive a 30% OFF one time coupon code for you to get your very own (or gift to a friend) Singing / Straw or Singing / Straw PRO!

A Fill-in-the-Blank Monthly Vocal Workout Calendar for you to create and track your singing progress. ($197 Value)

Never wonder what to practice again. With this customizable monthly calendar, you will identify the perfect exercises for your voice and then schedule them so you can continue your vocal progress beyond these 5 days!

Get this exclusive 4-day training to transform your voice for just $37!

When you sign up for the Become A Better Singer Bootcamp, you’ll get...

✅ Training 1: Registers Aren’t Literal. You Have One Voice.


Training 2: If You Don’t Use It, You Will Lose It.


 Training 3: They Weren’t Just Born With It.


✅ Training 4: Focused Practice Makes Progress.


 Training 5: How The S/S Method will LEVEL UP your voice.


Access to the Pop-Up Training Facebook Group


The My Voice Today Digital Journal with a Personal Foreward from Me!


✅ 30% off one time code discount at the Singing / Straw store


✅ A Fill-in-the-Blank Monthly Vocal Workout Calendar


Get over $2000 in value…

...for just $37


In case you need a little (loving) nudge to believe in yourself… here’s our 20x guarantee:

We 100% guarantee that you will love this bootcamp.


If after the end of Day 1 you feel like you haven't gotten at least 20X the value of your investment ($540 in content, ideas and instructions) we will happily refund your investment in full. All you have to do is email us by 8:59am PST on Day 2 for a full refund.

Sound fair?



This works. Don’t take it from us, here’s what singers have said about previous Bootcamps with Whitney:

Have a question?

Here’s what other

bootcampers have been curious about:

Q: I’ve always loved to sing, but I’m a beginner. Is this for me?

YES! This bootcamp is designed to help singers no matter WHERE you are in your musical journey - just starting out or a successful professional! The Singing / Straw method can help all singers.

Q: This sounds too good to be true. Will it actually make a difference in my voice?

I have spent my entire career helping singers learn to love their voice - there is nothing more important to me than helping singers. I was skeptical about straw phonation at first too! Just try it for yourself, and you will see. And remember, we have a money back guarantee - so there’s virtually no risk. What are you waiting for!?

Q: What if I can’t make it live?

No worries! All our sessions are recorded and you can watch back through March 29th. However, I’ll be LIVE and answering questions, so I HIGHLY recommend you show up and make the time! If you don’t prioritize your voice now, when will you?

Q: Why is it so cheap to join?

You're right...maybe we should up the price? JK! In all seriousness, I believe that EVERYONE deserves the JOY of singing, and I want to spread the Singing / Straw love to as many singers as possible (no matter their situation), which is why the price is so affordable. That being said, I can't confirm if the price will stay this low in the future so I recommend you take advantage now while you can!

Q: Can’t I just watch your YouTube videos for free?

You sure can, and you SHOULD! And while there’s a ton of great info and exercises over there, it is nothing compared to the exclusive content of this bootcamp. I’m going much deeper and will be giving LIVE in person feedback every day. This is like nothing I’ve done before; if you’re a fan of our channel, this is exactly what you need to take your voice to the next level!

Q: Do I need to own a Singing / Straw set?

Nope! But I’ll be honest, it will help immensely if you have one (don’t forget - you’ll get a 30% discount as a bonus to this course!). If you absolutely cannot get your hands on a Singing / Straw - I’ll walk you through alternatives on Day 1, including macgyver-ing a drinking straw.

Q: Where is this bootcamp happening?

Our daily training events will be hosted in a Zoom Webinar format. You'll also get exclusive access to our pop-up Facebook group, where you can ask questions and get extra support and encouragement! The training each day will be streamed into the group so you can tune in live or watch the replays, which will be available through 9/25.

Alright singer, you’ve made it this far, it’s time to take the leap!

Here’s the truth: if you want this, YOU can have it.

If you're sick and tired of aimless singing practice without any results… If you've ever thought "I could be an AMAZING singer if I could just fix that one thing"... If you're exhausted listening to all the confusing & contradicting singing advice swirling around the internet and just want someone REAL to walk you through a simple, no BS method that works... You're missing out if you're not in this bootcamp.

Because the world DESERVES to hear your voice - and I’ve made it my literal JOB to help you find the skill and confidence to share it. We can do this together.

So... you in?